In Zelda Breath of the Wild Where Do You Find Ex Ancient Horse Rumors for the Switch

EX Treasure Ancient Horse Rumors Walkthrough.jpg
This is a guide to the DLC Side Quest: EX Treasure: Ancient Horse Rumors, in the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Read on to learn how to start the quest and where to find the Ancient Bridle and Ancient Saddle.

Quest Giver Super Rumor Mill V3
Location Highland Stable

To start the quest, head to the Highland Stable near Ka'o Makagh Shrine. The journal is sitting on one of the right side tables.

Objectives Guide

EX Treasure Ancient Horse Rumors Satori Mountain Map Enlarge

Head to the Peak of Satori Mountain
Make your way to the very top of Satori Mountain.
Nearest Shrine:
・Mogg Latan Shrine

EX Treasure Ancient Horse Rumors EX Chest Enlarge

Look for the EX Chest
Look for the spot with a small pool of water filled with pink petals.The EX Chest is located half-buried near the base of a large tree near.

EX Treasure Ancient Horse Rumors Ancient Bridle Enlarge

Open the Chest
Open the chest to receive the Ancient Bridle.
Objectives Guide

EX Treasure Ancient Horse Rumors Malanya Spring Map Enlarge

Head to Malanya Spring
Make your way to Malanya Spring south of Highland Stable past a few mountains.
Nearest Shrine:
・Ka'o Makagh Shrine

EX Treasure Ancient Horse Rumors Ancient Saddle EX Chest Enlarge

Look for the EX Chest
Head to the upper-left side of the spring behind Malanya's Spring. The EX Chest is half-buried on a small patch of ground.

EX Treasure Ancient Horse Rumors Ancient Saddle Enlarge

Open the Chest
Open the chest to receive the Ancient Saddle.

[EX Treasure Ancient Horse Rumors Feature.jpg
Fitting a horse with the Ancient Bridle and Ancient Saddle boosts its base stats and adds two additional spurs on top of their existing ones. This is on top of any extra bonuses the horse gets from feeding it Endura Carrots.

EX Treasure Ancient Horse Rumors Feature 2.jpg
Additionally, the full set causes the Horse to teleport to Link's location when he whistles. Even if you left the horse in another part of the map, it will still come to you when you whistle!

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Rumor has it there's a bridle that enhances a horse's skill and a saddle that can summon your horse right to you. Does this supposed ancient horse gear really exist?
Apparently Highland Stable has a copy of Super Rumor Mill EX, which details some rumors about this rare horse gear.
1st Update You read Super Rumor Mill EX: Volume 3! According to this special issue, there's a bridle that enhances your horse's skill and a saddle that summons your horse to your side. One is supposedly under a cherry blossom tree at a mountain where creature gather, and the other is at a spring where a horse spirit resides.
If you believe the rumors, try to find the hidden treasure!
Treasure chests remaining: 2
2nd Update You read Super Rumor Mill EX: Volume 3! According to this special issue, there's a bridle that enhances your horse's skill and a saddle that summons your horse to your side. One is supposedly under a cherry blossom tree at a mountain where creature gather, and the other is at a spring where a horse spirit resides.
If you believe the rumors, try to find the hidden treasure!
Treasure chests remaining: 1
Quest Clear You found the ancient horse gear at Satori Mountain and Malanya Spring!
Equip your horse with the Ancient Bridle for a longer-lasting gallop. Equip the Ancient Saddle and your horse will come running whenever you call, no matter how far you are. Believing those rumors really paid off!

Quests Walkthrough.png

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In Zelda Breath of the Wild Where Do You Find Ex Ancient Horse Rumors for the Switch


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